Sunday, December 28, 2008
Random Christmas Time pics of 08
So I got a new Nikon cool pix camera for Christmas from my BF (my first digital) and so here are my first pics from it! They range from: Random pics of my decorated house and my babies (the peanuts stuff is a gift from my mom this year b/c I love them so much-hence Linus and Lucy's names) and the cork wreath and saying is from my dear friend, Aimee (she is so talented!) Ryan and I's YL staff Christmas Chelsea's coffee shop with my YL leaders and friends after our Christmas PJ my yummy gingerbread pics of the gang ice skating at the Downtown University Green (didn't come out too good that night) Lindsay, Amanda and I's night out at Moody Garden's Festival of Lights (not in that order really...sorry!) And then guess what...I forgot to take pictures on Christmas day! It was a busy day...oops! Enjoy these random thousands tho from my new Camera! A quick flash of Corrie's busy 2008 Christmas season! :)

Thursday, December 11, 2008
What a Gift!

So it all started Tuesday night of this week. I was wrapping up my Tuesday night Bible study with a small group of my YL High School girls (which I LOVE!) We were about to exit Panera Bread but being girls, we huddled by the door to finish talking b/c it was too cold to go outside. That's when I exclaimed, "It's cold enough...I hope that it snows!" To which one of the sweet girls replied, "It's not gonna snow, Corrie. It has to be 30 degrees at the most to snow. It's not gonna happen!" To which I replied, "Oh, I beg to differ. You underestimate the power of our God dear one! He can make it snow and I'm gonna ask Him too! He is bigger than the weather man! And you know what, when you see those flakes falling down, you will be reminded that God washes us whiter than Snow White!" Well they all laughed, called me cheesy for like the hundredth time, and then we left. I went home to find that is was snowing in Austin via facebook. Where was my snow? The next day (yesterday) it was still cold and rainy but no snow. And it was a bad day for me. Working in the ministry can get hard at times. So I decided that instead of grumbling, I would send out my prayer update regarding YL to my prayer warrior team. I typed it asking for financial help, encouragement, support and that I would see God working in these kids lives b/c they only seemed to be back tracking. After sending it out I headed to the gym to "release some bees!" (Thats what I call it when I need to work out some frustration on the tread-mill with my praise music. Too long of a story, but it's something that I had a vision about and stole from the old movie, The Green Mile. Yes, I am a freak!) :) Anyways, I was really down as I was "releasing my bees" :) and was just telling the Lord how I wanted Him to take me home. No, I didn't want to kill myself! I mean, I was longing for my real home, my heavenly home, my Kingdom! This world is not our home! Well by the time that I made it home, it began to snow...really snow! I was estatic! You can bet that the first thing I did was text my Bible Study girls and remind them of the good and Mighty God that we serve! They were thrilled and awe-struck! One even text me back, "I want God to be my BF! Look at all the cool things that He does! And I wouldn't have known how cool He was if it weren't for you and YL, Corrie, so thank you!" I was so blessed! Snowing and that all at the same moment! Well, play, behold and enjoy the snow I did! Until I had to head off to teach another Bible Study with YL that night. But it was a magical lesson as the snow fell and God taught us about His Christmas Story. I shared with them the symbolism of the candy cane and one girl replied, "That is why I couldn't draw one in my english class today. We were writing out cards in english today to our troops and I drew a candy cane and my teacher said that I couldn't b/c it represented a J for Jesus!" I was appalled! How sad is our world! Well, at least it couldn't stop me from teaching some High School kids about the REAL meaning of Christmas last night! How I praise God for our freedom of religion! And I even got to end the night with a brief touch on Psalm 51 and how God made David clean, as white as snow! The kids were touched and then we were all off to play in the snow! The girls house we were at lives on a golf course so the sight was spectacular! I'll post some more pictures later but here are 3 of my YL kids from last night for now. I then got in my car to head home last night (which was covered in snow!) only to find 3 messages from random people wanting to support me financially in YL! "WHAT?!! Are you for real, God?" To which I heard Him reply in my spirit, "Well, yes I am child. Earlier today you were reminded that this world is not your home so don't get too cozy here. However, you are still needed here so I will bless you to carry on." Hallelujah!!!!! Snow, financial support, and encouragement that God is making a difference in my YL kids lives all in one day! And I sit here typing this morning while my cup is overflowing and the snow is melting off of my roof! IT SNOWED!!! And God is so good to hear our cries! Oh praise the Lord!!!! Thank you, Jesus! Amen! :)
Saturday, December 6, 2008

My sweet dog, Linus had his knee replacement surgery (amongst other surgeries along with it) on friday. It went very well and I am so thankful! I got him back today and he ate, drank and hobbled out to the bathroom. He is pretty groggy, weak, tired and annoyed, but all in all he is doing great, considering. Here are a couple pictures of him from the night before and then a picture of him the day after (today-in his green sweater.) My poor little man. :( But how I praise God that he is Ok! Yes, I know that he is just a dog, but he is the closest thing that I have to a child right now (other than my YL kids) and I love him. What a gift he was from God to me over a year ago! Such un-conditional love. And no, I am not one of those people who dresses her dog up, but he had to be shaved for surgery and it's cold outside so he is freezing and needed one. Besides, I think that he looks so handsome in his green, cable-knit sweater! :) Focus on his back leg and you can see his stitches. :( I apologize for the poor photo's from my crappy cell phone. Anyways, I'm off to be with my little man and try to fight off his 6 month old sister who is very happy to have him home. May you enjoy the quiet December Sabbath day at home, as I am!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
It's Beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!!!
I am so excited I can hardly stand it! I have officially bought all of my Christmas presents and wrapped them, my tree is up and smelling heavenly, the lights are on, the red cups are here, the stockings are hung, the cookies are baked, the music is playing it's tunes and the nativity sharing has begun.... My little St. Linus wishes you a Merry Christmas Season below!!!! And I also just had to input in some pics from Bethlehem last year...BETHLEHEM!...where the magic began!!!!! :) Merry Christmas Season to you all! :)

Thursday, November 27, 2008
A Pilgrim
In my quiet time this morning I was reading Psalm 125 (one of the Songs of Ascents) and I was thinking about these "pilgrims" of that day. Then it hit me that we are also celebrating the Pilgrims of 1620 at Plymouth today. So I decided to look up the word "pilgrim" in the dictionary and here is what it says (paraphrased), "one who journeys in foreign lands to a holy place." Not only were the Israelites doing so way back when, but the Pilgrims in 1620 were as well (what we are really celebrating today), and most excitedly......We as Christians are also pilgrims today! We are in a foreign land striving each day to get closer to our Holy Place! This world is not our home! So as you eat lots of food and celebrate the REAL meaning behind this special holiday, may you be reminded that you too are a pilgrim and you are co-heirs with Christ in your future Holy Place! Hallelujah! Yes, we are today too, but it's kinda like The Chronicles of Narnia. :) Now that is something to be thankful for! I'm off to a special 1 1/2 spinning class (work it off before you eat it) :) and then I'm cooking, eating, and watching my tivo(ed) annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade! It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Yay! HAPPY THANKSGIVING friends!!!! :) P.S. Side note in regards to Psalm 125, as the mountains surround and protect Jerusalem, so God does are secure in Him! :)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
After reading one of my daily devotionals, At His Feet, by Chris Teigreen, I was inspired to write what I'm thankful for this year. And then I was also equally reminded that, "If God took the blessings away, would I still love Him?" Ouch! Tough question, but one that needs an answer to ponder. At first, like Peter who caused the crow to cry, I emphatically say, "Yes!" But then I began pondering..."What if I lost EVERYTHING in Hurricane Ike?" Etc., etc. But I know I would still love Him. I just might be consumed with depression. Which is OK at first, but not to consume you. And then that got me thinking that we need to be thankful, yet also mindful that He alone is our "shield and our very great reward!" (Genesis 15:1) "He gives and takes away, yet my heart will choose to say, Lord, blessed be your Name!" Amen! No other "hiding place" (see my last post) will do! So ponder that in your own life, then make your own list. And if you care about mine, then here it is! :)
Some of what Corrie's thankful for this 2008 year:
* That my house withstood Hurricane Ike.
* For my three joys and loves, Pooka, Linus and Lucy!
* For Ryan and that God is using us to refine one another
* That God has brought me out of a dark and stuck land and into a spacious and free land this year and her heart is filled with joy! "He has put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to my God! May many see and fear now and put their trust in the Lord" (Psalm 40)
* That I am in a blessed season with YL and seeing much ministry going on...Hallelujah!
* For freedom from my old job as a Dental Asst. and for my new job with YL!
* For the amazing chance to go to and experience Israel and Africa
* For my friends and family
* That I am in good health
* For a free roof over my head, clothes, electricity, food, water, and daily necessities.
* YL, HFBC, Beth Moore, Mary Ann Bridgwater, the prophet Israel and Audra
* Freedom in our country and our troops who fight for us!
* My small group Bible Study on Tuesday nights with my YL girls
* That I am breaking free from generational strongholds and seeing other as well
* The Bible
* The chance to travel
* Coffee, Starbucks, Panera Bread, Sushi and The Food Network!
* That I know God and He knows me!
* And that I know God will help me overcome this nagging stronghold in my life!
Some of what Corrie's thankful for this 2008 year:
* That my house withstood Hurricane Ike.
* For my three joys and loves, Pooka, Linus and Lucy!
* For Ryan and that God is using us to refine one another
* That God has brought me out of a dark and stuck land and into a spacious and free land this year and her heart is filled with joy! "He has put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to my God! May many see and fear now and put their trust in the Lord" (Psalm 40)
* That I am in a blessed season with YL and seeing much ministry going on...Hallelujah!
* For freedom from my old job as a Dental Asst. and for my new job with YL!
* For the amazing chance to go to and experience Israel and Africa
* For my friends and family
* That I am in good health
* For a free roof over my head, clothes, electricity, food, water, and daily necessities.
* YL, HFBC, Beth Moore, Mary Ann Bridgwater, the prophet Israel and Audra
* Freedom in our country and our troops who fight for us!
* My small group Bible Study on Tuesday nights with my YL girls
* That I am breaking free from generational strongholds and seeing other as well
* The Bible
* The chance to travel
* Coffee, Starbucks, Panera Bread, Sushi and The Food Network!
* That I know God and He knows me!
* And that I know God will help me overcome this nagging stronghold in my life!
Monday, November 17, 2008
So hopefully this blog will be a little more pleasant than my last. If you did read my last entry, I hope that I did not offend anyone....I just spoke with deep passion about a subject that I am deeply passionate about. Anyways, moving on to some updates on my life...
First of all, actually in regards to my last post Actually right after I posted it), a youth pastor from a large, local church in my area called me up and was intrigued by the mission of YL (someone had invited him to our recent banquet) so he asked how he could partner with YL. I shared with him and we are now gonna partner together. And then when I got home from that, I had received one more YL sponsorship check in the mail for $500! Praise you Jesus! He truly does answer when we call! :) As much as I hate asking, still may others see me as missionary and give to us so I can do what I love and what you have called me to for now!
Secondly, I had a few extra moments today so I made homemade cranberry scones and english breakfast tea at high noon and it was so delightful and very english! :) I love moments like this! I even got to have some amazing fellowship over coffee with some friends this week and see some amazing ministry take place too! Yay Jesus!
Thirdly, I took my Linus to the vet today and discovered that he has to have major surgeries in his knees. He is scheduled for it on December 5th. I am so sad! Please pray for him...even though he is a dog!
Next, I got to go to the Nutcracker Market with some friends after church yesterday and I was in heaven! Can't wait for Christmas! What a delightful time...full of goodies and especially yummy treats to eat! :)
LASTLY, this has to do with what God is teaching me right now. Due to various personal reasons, I have been crying out to God over freedom in a particular area and over answers in another. Well in response to both He led me recently to Psalm 118:8-"It is better to take refuge (hide) in the Lord than to trust in man." (And on a side note, He gave me the following verse in regards to our new presidential election...Psalm 118:9-"It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes.") Anyways, back to Psalm 118:8. God showed me how much that I "hide." Since I was a hurting little girl I have hid in various ways. Rather it be hiding/"escaping from reality" through TV, or through man, food, retrieving into myself and my walls, busyness, ministry, etc. And rather these things are necessarily good or bad is beside the point. You see, the "things" have changed each yr that I grow in Jesus, but the pattern still remains and I have now caught wind of it through the Lord's eyes. I have learned how to hide and to do it well. But this is not something that I want to do well. And this is not something that has been beneficial for me either. It is a form of idolatry...good or bad. And it has now proven to get me into so much trouble. Lord, I only want to hide myself in you! Please help me! You are real!
So that is my update and what I'm currently learning. I love you!
First of all, actually in regards to my last post Actually right after I posted it), a youth pastor from a large, local church in my area called me up and was intrigued by the mission of YL (someone had invited him to our recent banquet) so he asked how he could partner with YL. I shared with him and we are now gonna partner together. And then when I got home from that, I had received one more YL sponsorship check in the mail for $500! Praise you Jesus! He truly does answer when we call! :) As much as I hate asking, still may others see me as missionary and give to us so I can do what I love and what you have called me to for now!
Secondly, I had a few extra moments today so I made homemade cranberry scones and english breakfast tea at high noon and it was so delightful and very english! :) I love moments like this! I even got to have some amazing fellowship over coffee with some friends this week and see some amazing ministry take place too! Yay Jesus!
Thirdly, I took my Linus to the vet today and discovered that he has to have major surgeries in his knees. He is scheduled for it on December 5th. I am so sad! Please pray for him...even though he is a dog!
Next, I got to go to the Nutcracker Market with some friends after church yesterday and I was in heaven! Can't wait for Christmas! What a delightful time...full of goodies and especially yummy treats to eat! :)
LASTLY, this has to do with what God is teaching me right now. Due to various personal reasons, I have been crying out to God over freedom in a particular area and over answers in another. Well in response to both He led me recently to Psalm 118:8-"It is better to take refuge (hide) in the Lord than to trust in man." (And on a side note, He gave me the following verse in regards to our new presidential election...Psalm 118:9-"It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes.") Anyways, back to Psalm 118:8. God showed me how much that I "hide." Since I was a hurting little girl I have hid in various ways. Rather it be hiding/"escaping from reality" through TV, or through man, food, retrieving into myself and my walls, busyness, ministry, etc. And rather these things are necessarily good or bad is beside the point. You see, the "things" have changed each yr that I grow in Jesus, but the pattern still remains and I have now caught wind of it through the Lord's eyes. I have learned how to hide and to do it well. But this is not something that I want to do well. And this is not something that has been beneficial for me either. It is a form of idolatry...good or bad. And it has now proven to get me into so much trouble. Lord, I only want to hide myself in you! Please help me! You are real!
So that is my update and what I'm currently learning. I love you!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Word Diahrrea (sp) and Young Life

So I have this lingering thorn in my flesh that I battle with daily...word diahrrea (sp)! I tell people what I really think and am brutally honest. Which is refreshing at times, but horrible at other times. God has given me a gift of honesty. I am grateful for it! But Satan tries to counter-fit it by me not keeping a guard on my mouth, and I'm sad to say that I fall prey to that a lot. I wish everyone told you what they really felt...but then also, I don't. So you can see my battle. Right now however, I am gonna tell you what I really feel. (THIS PART UPDATED LATER): And I pre-warn you now, that I'm not trying to preach to non-Young LIfe supporters, nor am I condemning the church...I just said what I said b/c I am just that passionate about what I do, so I hope that no-one takes offense. But please read my heart.
I love Young Life! I was involved with Young Life (YL) when I was a teenager, I have volunteered for YL for 10 years now, and I am now currently employed with YL. Now I am not one of those people who join one ministry and stick with it for forever and never branch out. I have my hands in several Pray The Word, Living Proof, my home church (HFBC), Camp Life in Zambia, James and Betty Robinson's Life Today, Samaritans Purse, World Vision, assisting in nursing homes, free baby-sitting, etc., etc. However, YL does take most of my time and energy. But I and God would have it no other way for now. (see my pic of some of us on top of a mountain that we had just climbed in Colorado this past summer!) You see, God used YL to help save me when I was a lost, hurting and rebellious teenager. And now I want to give back. The problem is, no-one "gets" YL and so they don't support it. AND WE NEED SUPPORT!!! YL is a non-profit, Christian organization geared towards helping un-churched kids (and they're are several out there....there are even churched kids out there who come b/c they don't get church and their dysfunctional family.) Anyways, when you go on staff, you have to raise your own support. Well, since going on staff September 1, I have received a whopping $300! And someone graciously committed to giving $100 a month (but it was my parents!) The thing is, we are not a church so we don't take in over a million dollars a week in order to make our building look prettier. Don't get me wrong. I understand that God intricately designed the Temple and all...but doesn't that symbolize more of our hearts anyways? But I am not a church hater! It's just that most people are giving that much a week for basically that, and nothing to YL, bc "they don't understand it, we work with bad kids, it's not really missions, and it's not a church" (yes , those are the lame excuses that I hear.) Are you kidding me?!? I have done misisons in Africa. In fact, I raised over $5,000 in 2 weeks to go! (Praise the Lord!) But now that I am asking for money to do missions in steps up! And it is misisons! Yes, the Africans are VERY SADLY deprived of material posessions and are oppressed by the enemy. And yes, the Americans have material posessions. However, the American kids are just as oppressed by the enemy, just in different ways. You see, I'm not trying to judge, but you probably don't know (b/c you are probably not on the front lines with teens, everyday, hearing their personal business that they are not telling their parents.) But they are struggling....STRUGGLING BAD I tell you! And Jesus didn't command us just to build houses for people and feed them for one week. No, His commisioning was actually for us to solely GO AND PREACH THE GOSPEL to all the nations. Well sadly, what was once a Christian nation in America has now slipped into a nation that no longer sees it's needs for God anymore. Africa sees their need for God more than we do, I think. So I am doing the Great Commision across our globe, but also with YL, but people don't think it's missions.
You see, before I worked my own trade as a Dental Asst. and did YL but it was hard, I was struggling and tired, and the result was no fruit. Now I am employed and freed up to do what I love and there is so much fruit. I am not tooting my own horn here, just being HONEST. And it's not b/c of me. I tried me before and there was no fruit. Now old, tired Corrie is filled up with Jesus and energized (b/c she doesn't have another job keeping her down) and there is fruit! I am about to train 25 new leaders to work with kids. Tons of kids are not just accepting Christ as their Savior, but following Him finally as their Lord. And these are kids who just a few months ago were addicted to drugs, selling drugs, buying prostitutes, getting kicked out of their house by a parent who wanted to either bring their boyfriend home for the night, or their boyfriend was beating the kid. And that is not ministry b/c we don't have church walls or aren't feeding kids in Africa? I think not! But sadly I find countless times that the "church" doesn't want to help these kids. They are "bad" kids, they say. But these are your future leaders! Or the "church" will tell me that I am competition and am stealing away their kids for youth group. To which I laugh, these kids would sadly never step foot in youth group or a church. But that is why YL got started in grab the un-churched kids and get them in church. It's sad that it ever had to start in the first place but there was a need so it did. These rebellious kids like YL. We come to them, not have them come to our "institution." And it works! We have no building or millions coming in, but it works and has for years. But I want it to continue. We want to partner with churches but very few want to partner with us, or will support us. And the spiral continues. But if I don't get support soon then I can't keep doing what I am doing. And not only do I love what I do so that would be so sad, but I'd have to quit, find another job, try and volunteer while tired, see ministry fail b/c lack of time, not enable kids who don't have money to go to camp for free, etc. Honestly, that sux!
I will share one true YL success story with you, out of the many, without using the name. There was a girl whose parents were un-believers, they had affairs on each other, ignored her, and home was emotionally unstable. She was raised in church but they sadly didn't teach her anything other than legalism. She was hungry for Jesus but couldn't find answers at church, or at home. So she looked for answers from the world and her friends, and they were talking so she listened. So she then found herself filled with sex, alcohol, depression, an eating disorder, lies, etc. And then an older boy, who was what they call a "Sr. Leader at YL" invited her to come and be apart of YL. She did, solely for the boy at the time, but she found herself feeling loved finally, purely, and she found her answers. But was she too late, she thought. You see, her church had already labeled her a sinner, and she was. But weren't they all? But she ended up accepting Christ through YL, being discipled through YL, and becoming a Sr. Leader with YL and leading many of her lost friends to Jesus through the tool of YL. And now this girl is old and in ministry. That is why I do YL! And that is my word diahrrea for the day! I speak with passion b/c my and Jesus' heart bleeds deep for these kids! PLEASE pray for YL in the Houston Bay Area...or please help us financially! Thank you for reading. Please just hear my heart and don't mis-understand me. I don't hate the church! I am just a bit dis-appointed. I love you...and YL obviously! :)
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Pushing through
It's amazing how much destruction that Hurricane Ike did, and hardly with any rain. The storm surge and wind gusts were outstanding! My mom and I noticed how despite all the storms ravages, it did bring tiny glimpses of joy with it. For example, neighbors truly were forced to become neighbors, families entertained themselves without all of our many electronics, and we learned to be grateful for the things that we daily take for granted-like water and electricity! And one more, which I face right now, is although many fences and houses and trees were sadly destroyed, Ike also brought, blew and somehow planted some random seeds into our yard that we had never planted. A Morning Glory is currently trelling (sp) her way up our Mimosa tree right now and it is glorious! And one of my favorites, a giant Sunflower is bursting through our barren desert (what we call it.) You see, we had an Oak Tree that was plenty old and plenty big in our back yard. We had built a rock floor around it and made it a seating area. But Ike blew that mighty Oak down and split it clear into. I think lightening struck it. Anyways, my mom was pretty sad so I decided to make a garden in the rock floor (with pottted plants only of course...and one right on top of the now lonely oak trunk.) And today, standing as tall as me (not that tall, I know) :) and about ready to bloom, stands a strong and big sunflower. I didn't plant it there. In fact it has to have had a time busting through the tiny cracks in the rock floor. However, sunflowers are my very favorite and the ones I or the birds ever try and plant are frail little things that are just plain pitiful. But God, He planted me a glorious one and I highly anticipate it's bloom "coming forth"! (There's that word again, Gina...perhaps it's connected!) :) Anyways, I just realized that most of my recent posts have become about my yard....sorry. But God teaches me a lot out here-in the early morning while I'm watching my dogs relieve themselves. :) I think of the time some of us have "Pushing Through." The winds of adversity/Ike blow through and we feel ravaged. But God has planted us in His soil so we remain. And then, after time in His Holy ICU, He says, "It is time for you to now, 'Come Forth,' My child." And so we begin our way but find that it is rough pushing through a rock floor. "This is hard, God!" We want to give up but He won't let us! Also, why would you want to give in when times get tough? I want to generationally leave a blessing, not a curse. There are enough of those! Pave a different way for your family line now. I believe we are in the end times and what we chose to do today counts! Let go of the baggage, move forward, and push through! See Exodus 20:4-6. Anyways, we finally we make it through, standing tall, strong and beautiful...a glorious flower for all to enjoy! I'm pushing through my rock wall now and hope to brighten people's days with His radiant Son, just like the sunflower! You see, one of my favorite things about the sunflower is that it's face has to look at the sun in order to stand tall and open and beautiful. "Lord, make me like the sunflower! Looking always to your face..seeking you from hour to hour!" Push though my friends...sweet victory awaits you! And the world needs to see your radiance which points straight to HIM! Hallelujah! !
"Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, THE LORD, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation." - Isaiah 12:2 & 3.
(P.S. The picture is not of my mentioned flower, obviously, but of some others I got to enjoy during my recent trip to Oregon!)
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Christmas time is here!

If only I had a digital camera in order to share my joy with you, but I don't. So I will let you in on one of the greatest joys in my life...when the red cups come in at starbucks for christmas time...and they're here...yay!!! :) They're just now getting them in so they're trying to use up all the white ones first. But go ahead and ask for one, or just revel in my joy by simply seeing them at the bottom of the white cup pile like I did! Ha! I have yet to taste the goodness of coffee out of them yet, but when I do, I will be as happy to drink a cup as I was at the first normal coffee place that we came upon in Israel last year in this pic! :) P.S. My car is currently only playing Shane and Shane's new Christmas CD and my IPOD while working out is only playing Travis Cottrell's new Christmas CD, and my computer during my quiet time is only playing Christmas piano hymns. It's not even I have a problem? I'll tell you this much...I will not get sick of them even when that is all KSBJ plays.... :)
UPDATE: I got one tonight and my man had a camera...yay! :)
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