Monday, September 29, 2008
Moving On...
It's hard for me to say good-bye. I'm sure there are several psychological reasons why it is, but for now I'm just gonna focus on the fact that it is simply hard for me to say good-bye. And not just to people, but places, stages in life, etc. Recently I have been bothered with where I am at in life and how I long to go back to this particular time in my life. I long for this time for many different reasons. It's not for any particular person. It's just everything good that was about that "stage" to me. But I can't go back. There is no such thing as a magic time machine and I know that God wants me to live in the now. But I long for certain things in that time period. I feel like a death has over taken me since then and it was so long ago. I'm not sure how to quite move forward. It's like when college ends...all those years with friends are over and it's just a memory. Well tonight was particularly hard for me as I pondered this certain time in my life. I cried to return to wierd as that sounds. But then I got a text message. Just a simple text message and it steered me straight. It was a 2 page text message from one particular, former Young LIfe kid of mine. This boy accepted Christ at our Bible Study with me and another leader this past year. He's recently graduated though and has found himself in a tough spot. He called me lastnight and I met with him today and reminded him that God had not left him, although he had left God. I then sent him off to a college Bible Study with another YL leader of mine. Well, just now he text me and told me how the message tonight was just for him, like it was at Young Life the night he accepted Christ with me. And that he feels alive again now and cried like he never has before and that he was so grateful to me. That simple text message was a reminder from God that I'm right where I need to be. The time I long for was special to me and always will be. But I have to move on. I have to enjoy where I am with God now. I have to be here for those text messages that I just received. That is what we're here for anyways. To glorify God. And me longing to go back to a place that is meant to stay in my past is not glorifying God. So I hold myself accountable to you, blog world, as I have decided to move forward. I need to move forward. To take what I have learned in my past with me into the future...into the now. And I know that my God has great plans for me! May this death of my past bring a resurrected and glorious future! Good night friends! I'm ready for HIs mew mercies tomorrow morning! Great is His faithfulness! :)
Sunday, September 28, 2008
I was reading Luke 10:21 in my devotions this morning...about how God reveals His dealings with little children instead of the wise. And it got me thinking of how Jesus also said that unless we change and become like little children, we cannot enter the Kingdom of God. Jesus commends child-like faith. But why are we told to become like children? They are very selfish creatures at times. But I think I know why. My sister home-schools her children. The other day, in their Bible class, my sister was showing flash cards to my niece and nephew and they had to recite the story and scripture reference, etc. to the picture that they saw. Well the next picture that arose was the one of the adulterous woman wiping Jesus' feet with her tears. Just at the sight of the picture my 7 yr. old niece got up and ran out of the room crying. She proceeded to tell me later that day that she felt like that woman. She knew that she too had sin in her life and she felt bad and wanted to live now like that woman, at the feet of Jesus. I was blown away! Now that is the Spirit and no coaching on my sister's part. My 7yr, old niece accepted Christ that day and what a celebration that was! Then later that day, the night before the hurricane hit, my other niece and I (the 3 yr old) were watching the movie, Meet the Robinson's. A "scary" part came on (that's what she referred to) so she stuck her arm out, invited me to have her cuddle me, as she protected me from the bad part 'til it was over. What an act of love!
Children need to be taught! Taught how to share, not lie, etc. However, they have teachable spirits. And they have not yet been totally marred by the world. They trust, they love, they have faith, they laugh, they have resilence. That is what I want to gain back! For the soul lives, like the body, by what it feeds on. Let Jesus be your life and feast and live on HIm! Then, no-matter what the day holds, you can pick yourself up from a fall, let Him hold you as you cry, then dust off your dirty knees and get right back to playin'! Life is hard, but Jesus didn't mean for us to make it so complicated. Simplify! In conclusion, read ISAIAH 51 today. A little off topic but it's another lesson that God is currently teaching me and it's a good read. It actually brings everything full circle. "Whom the Son sets free, is free indeed!" Break free from your strongholds, generational sins, fears, idols, etc. and walk in child-like faith with Jesus!
P.S. As life finally begins to get back to normal after Ike, please continue to pray for those in my area who were really devastated by it! Praise His name that He was merciful at our home...I am grateful! Thanks!
Children need to be taught! Taught how to share, not lie, etc. However, they have teachable spirits. And they have not yet been totally marred by the world. They trust, they love, they have faith, they laugh, they have resilence. That is what I want to gain back! For the soul lives, like the body, by what it feeds on. Let Jesus be your life and feast and live on HIm! Then, no-matter what the day holds, you can pick yourself up from a fall, let Him hold you as you cry, then dust off your dirty knees and get right back to playin'! Life is hard, but Jesus didn't mean for us to make it so complicated. Simplify! In conclusion, read ISAIAH 51 today. A little off topic but it's another lesson that God is currently teaching me and it's a good read. It actually brings everything full circle. "Whom the Son sets free, is free indeed!" Break free from your strongholds, generational sins, fears, idols, etc. and walk in child-like faith with Jesus!
P.S. As life finally begins to get back to normal after Ike, please continue to pray for those in my area who were really devastated by it! Praise His name that He was merciful at our home...I am grateful! Thanks!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Hurricane Ike
Well friends, please pray for me/us as the storm is heading right our way and it looks ugly. My family and I are staying put and not evacuating. Hopefully I can get on here again soon. I'm off for now. My prayers are with all the former hurricane victims and my friends around me now with this one. God have mercy please! He is Mighty!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Hi Friends! I just returned from visiting my dear friend, Hanna and her family in Oregon and wanted to post a few of my 200 pics! We caught salmon in their river, had a bonfire on their land while doing it, went to the coast and saw many cool sights, went to the downtown portland markets and zoo, etc. It was awesome and beautiful! Now I am back to reality and the start of my new job. It was a good transitional trip! Enjoy! :)

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