Sunday, December 28, 2008
Random Christmas Time pics of 08
So I got a new Nikon cool pix camera for Christmas from my BF (my first digital) and so here are my first pics from it! They range from: Random pics of my decorated house and my babies (the peanuts stuff is a gift from my mom this year b/c I love them so much-hence Linus and Lucy's names) and the cork wreath and saying is from my dear friend, Aimee (she is so talented!) Ryan and I's YL staff Christmas Chelsea's coffee shop with my YL leaders and friends after our Christmas PJ my yummy gingerbread pics of the gang ice skating at the Downtown University Green (didn't come out too good that night) Lindsay, Amanda and I's night out at Moody Garden's Festival of Lights (not in that order really...sorry!) And then guess what...I forgot to take pictures on Christmas day! It was a busy day...oops! Enjoy these random thousands tho from my new Camera! A quick flash of Corrie's busy 2008 Christmas season! :)

Thursday, December 11, 2008
What a Gift!

So it all started Tuesday night of this week. I was wrapping up my Tuesday night Bible study with a small group of my YL High School girls (which I LOVE!) We were about to exit Panera Bread but being girls, we huddled by the door to finish talking b/c it was too cold to go outside. That's when I exclaimed, "It's cold enough...I hope that it snows!" To which one of the sweet girls replied, "It's not gonna snow, Corrie. It has to be 30 degrees at the most to snow. It's not gonna happen!" To which I replied, "Oh, I beg to differ. You underestimate the power of our God dear one! He can make it snow and I'm gonna ask Him too! He is bigger than the weather man! And you know what, when you see those flakes falling down, you will be reminded that God washes us whiter than Snow White!" Well they all laughed, called me cheesy for like the hundredth time, and then we left. I went home to find that is was snowing in Austin via facebook. Where was my snow? The next day (yesterday) it was still cold and rainy but no snow. And it was a bad day for me. Working in the ministry can get hard at times. So I decided that instead of grumbling, I would send out my prayer update regarding YL to my prayer warrior team. I typed it asking for financial help, encouragement, support and that I would see God working in these kids lives b/c they only seemed to be back tracking. After sending it out I headed to the gym to "release some bees!" (Thats what I call it when I need to work out some frustration on the tread-mill with my praise music. Too long of a story, but it's something that I had a vision about and stole from the old movie, The Green Mile. Yes, I am a freak!) :) Anyways, I was really down as I was "releasing my bees" :) and was just telling the Lord how I wanted Him to take me home. No, I didn't want to kill myself! I mean, I was longing for my real home, my heavenly home, my Kingdom! This world is not our home! Well by the time that I made it home, it began to snow...really snow! I was estatic! You can bet that the first thing I did was text my Bible Study girls and remind them of the good and Mighty God that we serve! They were thrilled and awe-struck! One even text me back, "I want God to be my BF! Look at all the cool things that He does! And I wouldn't have known how cool He was if it weren't for you and YL, Corrie, so thank you!" I was so blessed! Snowing and that all at the same moment! Well, play, behold and enjoy the snow I did! Until I had to head off to teach another Bible Study with YL that night. But it was a magical lesson as the snow fell and God taught us about His Christmas Story. I shared with them the symbolism of the candy cane and one girl replied, "That is why I couldn't draw one in my english class today. We were writing out cards in english today to our troops and I drew a candy cane and my teacher said that I couldn't b/c it represented a J for Jesus!" I was appalled! How sad is our world! Well, at least it couldn't stop me from teaching some High School kids about the REAL meaning of Christmas last night! How I praise God for our freedom of religion! And I even got to end the night with a brief touch on Psalm 51 and how God made David clean, as white as snow! The kids were touched and then we were all off to play in the snow! The girls house we were at lives on a golf course so the sight was spectacular! I'll post some more pictures later but here are 3 of my YL kids from last night for now. I then got in my car to head home last night (which was covered in snow!) only to find 3 messages from random people wanting to support me financially in YL! "WHAT?!! Are you for real, God?" To which I heard Him reply in my spirit, "Well, yes I am child. Earlier today you were reminded that this world is not your home so don't get too cozy here. However, you are still needed here so I will bless you to carry on." Hallelujah!!!!! Snow, financial support, and encouragement that God is making a difference in my YL kids lives all in one day! And I sit here typing this morning while my cup is overflowing and the snow is melting off of my roof! IT SNOWED!!! And God is so good to hear our cries! Oh praise the Lord!!!! Thank you, Jesus! Amen! :)
Saturday, December 6, 2008

My sweet dog, Linus had his knee replacement surgery (amongst other surgeries along with it) on friday. It went very well and I am so thankful! I got him back today and he ate, drank and hobbled out to the bathroom. He is pretty groggy, weak, tired and annoyed, but all in all he is doing great, considering. Here are a couple pictures of him from the night before and then a picture of him the day after (today-in his green sweater.) My poor little man. :( But how I praise God that he is Ok! Yes, I know that he is just a dog, but he is the closest thing that I have to a child right now (other than my YL kids) and I love him. What a gift he was from God to me over a year ago! Such un-conditional love. And no, I am not one of those people who dresses her dog up, but he had to be shaved for surgery and it's cold outside so he is freezing and needed one. Besides, I think that he looks so handsome in his green, cable-knit sweater! :) Focus on his back leg and you can see his stitches. :( I apologize for the poor photo's from my crappy cell phone. Anyways, I'm off to be with my little man and try to fight off his 6 month old sister who is very happy to have him home. May you enjoy the quiet December Sabbath day at home, as I am!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
It's Beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!!!
I am so excited I can hardly stand it! I have officially bought all of my Christmas presents and wrapped them, my tree is up and smelling heavenly, the lights are on, the red cups are here, the stockings are hung, the cookies are baked, the music is playing it's tunes and the nativity sharing has begun.... My little St. Linus wishes you a Merry Christmas Season below!!!! And I also just had to input in some pics from Bethlehem last year...BETHLEHEM!...where the magic began!!!!! :) Merry Christmas Season to you all! :)

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