Today, I started the morning, as I do every morning, with the distinct priveledge of praying for the lives of kids at 2 5A high schools to be changed! Afterwards I attended a Pep Rally at one of the schools that I do YL at. Kids couldn't believe that I cared to come. There I met an orphan that had been so in the local area all of his life. Before the pep rally a mom had called me saying she didn't know what to do with her daughter who she found out was addicted to drugs and very sexually active and begged me to please help her. So after the pep rally I met with said girl and had a great talk with her over coffee. I introduced her to a devotional, journal and bible and see much hope. I have been walking through life with her for some time now. In just a few minutes I am meeting with a boy for ice cream (along with another guy leader of mine) to talk about his struggle with sex with his girlfriend and how he can be a man of God. He asked. After that I am attending a high school football game to encourage my kids that I care and to meet more hurting souls. I don't have time to include all the countless texts and phone calls that I have received today from hurting kids in need of hope. But may you get a glimpse of kids faces who...
have brain tumors, bring their babies to YL, invite me to sleep overs and earn my trust after living way different previous, hundreds of lost kids who come to YL for fun yet end up finding hope-Jesus-and someone who cares, kids who only had a have bday cakse made only by me-not by a caring parent, found Christ through YL and shared their story at our recent banquet, hiked over a 14,000ft mountain with me in Colorado this summer, found Jesus in Colorado this summer, see life can be fun w/o partying, still need Jesus but are hearing the story, and who know now that someone cares. This is just a small glimpse of why I love my job and pray for more support in it! :) And this is un-edited due to lack of time.... :)