Where I have been lately? Well, going non stop with my little monkey actually...as the pictures protest! On a "normal" day I wake up at 6:30 and tend to my mini farm of 7 high maintenance animals and get the house "going" (ie. unload dishwasher, etc.) Then you will find me sipping on my spark while I read a quick devotion before Lillie wakes up. Lillie usually wakes up at 8 and I feed her, we read her morning bible story, get dressed and then the playing begins. She is 10 1/2 months and nowadays you will find her: attempting to walk on her own and then falling, walking everywhere with a walker, crawling everywhere and eating anything that the she can find off of the floor, loving to watch Disney Junior, etc. After awhile of that we head out for an hour walk with Franklin and she cat naps in there. Upon returning, we eat some more, play some more, deal with more of the animals needs, read some more and mostly I chase her around the house some more. At this time I try to get any chores, errands or fun play dates done as possible. After all that, we take all of the dogs for a little walk. Around 2:30 she will nap and it is then that I have my QT and have been writing on a different format other than here (for awhile.) She usually wakes up about 4:30 and we eat again and then I attempt to make dinner. About 5:30 (if not at the fire station) Daddy comes home and we eat with him and then head outside to either play with the neighbor kids, go on an outting, or watch one of the neices' games. 7:30 is usually bath and 8 bedtime. After 8 you can find me usually cleaning, resting while watching one of my favorite TV episodes (Duck Dynasty, Downton Abbey, or The Office), spending time with Steven, having a friend over while Steven's at the Fire Dept, or writing and then finally sleeping. It's riveting folks! haha But I love my life that God has given me and wouldn't have it any other way!

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