Thursday, May 21, 2009
A glimpse of Heaven
Let me start off by saying that I'm typing this on my iphone while at Young Life Work Week at Crooked Creek in Colorado, so please excuse any mistakes that I can't proofread. With that said, as I just said, I'm in Colorado preparing a YL camp for High school kids to come and have the best week of their lives at this summer. YL's motto at these camps is to work at everything as serving the Lord and not man so that these kids would be served with excellence, gain a tiny glimpse of what Heaven is like and therefore not only have the best week of their lives, but also taste and see that the Lord is good. Amen! I've had to keep reminding myself of that as I have set up blobs, raked weeds, and literally cleaned over 400 windows thoroughly in this place! :) We pray for kids and remind ourselves why we are serving in this way constantly. But today, instead of reminding myself that this is for the kids, I had a little epiphany for us leaders and just had to share. At work week we are preparing this camp to as close to perfection as we can so as to serve these kids with excellence for Jesus. However, in The Bible, Jesus says that He goes to prepare a place for us. If we are working this hard and what seems to be tedious projects thay go un noticed by most kids, how fervently is Christ working on preparing a mansion in Heaven for all of us! And it will be done with perfection. Oh How He loves us so! You are not forgotren friend! You can't see it now, bur have faith for He has overcome the world and is preparing a glorious place for you where you will be with Him for eternity! And on a side note, Colorado itself is such a glimpse of Heaven to me...aahh! How I love all of our YL outtings out here! Lord, captivate these High school friends of mine with you this summer please! Thank you foe a chance to serve on this mission trip! And thank you for working even harder to serve me...beyond the cross even! I am loved! And it truly is all about you and not about me!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Happy Cinco De Mayo

Some friends and I recently visited the Arandas Bakery (YUM!) where we found the enclosed. We fell in love...ha! :) He is now our official YL mascot and we have named him Pajaro Pequito. May you enjoy him this Cinco de Mayo as much as we have. In fact, he is eating with us at my friend's restaurant tonight....
Monday, May 4, 2009
Life on Mission, Part 2
As you can tell by my previous post, today was a weary day for me on the mission field. BUT GOD...heard my cry and His answer came so very swiftly! Oh praise Him! So tonight was our usual Monday night YL outreach club; however, it was a little different tonight b/c it was our last official one of the semester and so, as YL tradition holds, the Seniors run it. Well, to my surprise, 3 seniors that had accepted Christ through YL got up and shared their testimony. I already knew what they were going to say and was in fact touched, but I was not prepared for the aftermath that they would leave. Kids have been texting me all night long (they way that they talk.) :) I have received countless texts from kids who are the "head party-ers" saying things like (just for one example), "Tonight I saw my future and me not having to go to a party and get 'messed up' to be happy. I just need God. I have disbelieved in Him all my life but I don't anymore and I feel a weight has been lifted. Can we go get coffee?" UM YES!!!!! That was just one of many. Oh praise you, Jesus! As Beth Moore says (altered a bit), "If we're not a threat to the enemy, than that's more scary than when we are." I had a relief from the flames tonight. Amen and Hallelujah! Thank you for the encouragement to keep pressing on! But Oh sweet Jesus, save them from the flames too! Thank you for the seeds that were planted in these hard the ones that you have already snatched from the flames! May they fall on goil soil, take root, and bear fruit to maturity! Off to bed now..grateful... ;)
Life on mission
Ministry is hard. I have been reading through one of my very dear friend's and mentors book called, Prayers for the Faithful, by Mary Ann Bridgwater (I highly recommend.) It leads you through prayer not only in your own life, but for a different missionary group, in a different country, every day. The other day I was reading about a missionary's story on how hard spiritual warfare can get as a missionary. My heart began to go out to him, as if I felt his pain. And then it hit me, I do feel his pain b/c I know it first hand. I may not be on missions in a third world country, but I am on missions in America and it is tough. When I was a Sr. in High school I surrendered to a life of ministry/missions for Jesus. I mean, as Christians we are all told to live out the Great Commission, but I just knew that I was called to it full-time. God has taken me different places since then and I know that He will continue too, but for now, and for awhile now, He has had me serving with Young Life. Young Life is a non-profit Christian organization geared toward our un-churched youth. I raise support to do what I do. I love it. But at times it gets really hard. You see, the enemy isn't hiding behind the dark ravages of poverty, aids, sex trafficing, witch doctors, etc. so much here. I know that stuff goes on too in America. But instead he is hiding behind materialism, sexual immorality, drug & alcohol addictions, eating disorders, liars, etc. These kids see no need for God, yet need Him desperately. Most of their parents could care less for them and every time I begin to sense a breakthrough with one of them, either they fall deeper into sin, or satan starts biting at my heels to get me down for the fight. Ministry is tough. Even ministry in America. I just needed to vent that today. I am reminded of all the miracles I have been so blessed to witness in my years of YL. Wow! I am a miracle myself! God ransomed me from my life through the ministry of YL. But I am in need of a fresh miracle with one of these child's today. One of them is really getting me down. God, help her! And I am in need of some peace from the enemy today too. I know that God is with me in the fire, but sometimes the heat is excruciating. I have learned however, that I can not be a pharisee. I don't work alone. God is the one to save them, just as He did me. So God, please use me, yet please save them...esp. this one! I am a missionary and I could use your prayers...
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