Saturday, January 16, 2010

Besides just pain, lessons & discipline...

Here are a few other (mostly more up-lifting) things going on in my life right now...

Warning...the pics and words are somehow all a jumbled mess but I'm not computer savvy and tired of trying to fix them so deal somehow. :)

* Some of my old YL kid's family was just visited by Extreme Makeover Home Edition last week and I got the distinct priveledge of getting the first tour of their new house a coupe of nights ago!!! It is so amazing!!! I praise Jesus for them! This is a Godly family of four biological children and 9 adopted children (most of which have severe disabilities.) This family was hit hard by Ike 2 years ago and 15 of them have been living in a trailor since. I can't wait for you guys to see it when it airs on TV. Not sure when it will yet. Wasn't aloud to post the finished product pics! :)

* I have been taking care of my sick gpa. Please pray for him. :(

* I finally bought a cute, little couch for my little pool house (much needed) and my dogs think it's theirs!

* Due to my alone season, my nieces & nephew have become some of my new bf's! :) Grace's hair is a fun, new piece of entertainment! Ha :)

* Back to the grind of work and ministry in YL...but I love it! Recently I had the priveledge of watching 2 of my High schools wrestle against each other. I have never watched this sport before and is most interesting...ha.

* I have obtained a cat! All my life I have been allergic to cats and their personalities freak me out anyways. However, I am an animal lover of all kinds and this summer, as previously blogged, I rescued several stray kittens from my garage. Several died, a couple were adopted, and the rest escaped back into the wild...but one...Sally. I named her Sally to fit in with the rest of my Peanuts gallery over here. I loved Sally and had calmed this little stray but knew I was allergic so I asked my brother in law to take care of her for me. I haven't seen her since and have missed her. He has had her for the past 7 months but just a few days ago he surprisingly informed me that he could no longer have her. So w/o thinking, I went to get her. I rushed her to the vet and we had a time with her. She has gotten a bit wild yet received a fairly clean bill of health. So I took her home on friday and set her up in my bathroom (until she can get used to her new surroundings and I can see if she is a fit for us.) It started out a bit challenging but is a lot better now. So allergies for me (praise God!), she hasn't attacked my bird, Woodstock, but eyes him, there is a little bad blood between her & Linus (not surprsing) but not too bad, and she is slowly taming. We shall see what happens. I pray we all gel well together soon! She at least has been purring now when I touch her! :) And the wierd thing is...I got her when all the drama began un-folding in my life this summer. I had no clue what my poor choices would bring and soon gave her away. Now I have gotten her back, after the issues have ended yet the lessons are being learned. Is she a "do-over" for me? It's wierdly symbolic. I hope so! May it be a from ashes! But it is in fact a zoo in my little home! :)

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* My parakeet, Woodstock, is a surprising talking machine...against all odds. I got him last February and he already says the following (clearly) and I'm not lying..."Hey Woodstock-Good Morning Woodstock-You're such a pretty bird-I love you-Praise Jesus-Hi Corrie-Jesus loves me-Come here-Hey baby..." and various whistles. Sometimes he even intermingles the words, like, "Praise Corrie," to which I quickly correct him. It's hillarious! :) He taunts Sally too which is even funnier. I love that smart little guy!

* I'm having to throw a lot of old clothes away. I still can wear clothes from 7th grade...ha. They are back in style now due to my old age! :) These socks were new just 8 months ago though! I got them for my Colorado summer backpacking trips. Yet I sat too close to the fire this summer on Wilderness and got burned. It is time to release them. A lesson...don't sit too close to the fire or you will get burned blog friends! :)

* As my previous post stated, I have a new hair cut and I am 30 now!!! Aahh...! Here are a few pics from my birthday. It blew! But I had a great QT with Jesus and coffee in my new cup, a yummy cake, a pretty sunset, and some pretty flowers!

* And lastly, always something I am learning. :) Today I was reminded of the woman in MArk 5:24-34. Really study that story. Her faith healed her! That is where I am at today! I'm learning to trust God's great plans for me, even in the pain. He is molding me to want what He wants! Amen! And this will be my year for Psalm 18 to ring true!!! Throw what you want at me, enemy, I am growing in Jesus! Ok, I can always write more, but this is really too long. :)

May you not be bored to death now! :)

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