Well bloggy friends, I officially turn 30 tomorrow and I am dreading it! :( I was in such a different place last year and I couldn't imagine being where I find myself today! However, I am equally ready to move forward! No more being stuck in the past as I have lived my whole life! As my new haircut states, out with the old and in with the new! So long 20's...it's my last day in them! :( This year I pray...
"Not only that I get hotter...ha. Really, that God will raise the dead things to life and make the impossible things possible in me, as that is His specialty. Yet I pray that I exercise great faith (as I am learning) so that I am finally capable of long term obedience (of which I desperately want), and of which I am capable of through faith in Christ! Also, that I will remember that the only priority that drives the Master Gardener of this vineyard of mine is to bring me to fruitfulness and that He will do whatever it takes to make that happen b/c He is even more committed to my abundance than I am! So please make it happen, Lord! For as Psalm 16 and Proverbs 16 say...Lord, You have a plan for me that is good. You are out for Your glory and my good. You have a right to rule and Your rule is right! We will obey some Master yet You are the better option! Be my Master! And may I stop reacting on feelings, like Esau, David & Sarah did and therefore a whirlwind of consequences followed. God, forgive me and have mercy please! Rather, may I focus and act on Your truth and wisdom, instead of my feelings! Renew my mind! Perfect that which concerns me! And may I know and love your more than anything in my life this decade and beyond! In Jesus' Name-Amen!"
"The Lord works out everything for His own ends-" Proverbs 16:4.
And to end, a song from one of my very favorite artists, Shane & Shane: Mercy Reigns, by Shane Barnard
"she hides her face, it seems too good
for Your embrace to find her
and say, "my dove, your voice is sweet
show me your form... your form is lovely"
Your mercy reigns
Your mercy comes
Your mercy falls
and rises with the sun
Your mercy reigns
Your mercy comes
Your mercy falls
and rises with the sun
its new every morning
its new every morning
its good enough for me
no ear has heard a melody
as sweet as yours for her
it seems too good, so undeserved
my heart faints now, for we are her
Your mercy reigns
Your mercy comes
Your mercy falls
and rises with the sun
Your mercy reigns
Your mercy comes
Your mercy falls
and rises with the sun
i will abide in Your love, Your love"
(song of solomon 2:14, lamentations 3:22-23
I'm not far behind sista (age wise)! Looking forward to seeing you! Have fun today
Hi Corrie! Can't believe I found you on here. Saw you on an extreemly old post on Brady Sullivans blog. Crazy but I guess I am just in time to tell you Happy Birthday. Hey its not so bad. Last December 1 I hit 30. So far 29 was much worse for me. I hear 30's are the new 20's anyway. It will be a blast year for you. Hope you have a wonderfull year. Keep loving Jesus!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Oh yea I don't get on blogger much. Tried the whole blog thing but no one seems to read my blogs. LOL HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
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