I know that you're just a dog and can't read, but I am 30, have no kids and love animals and you so mommy is writing to you on here today! :) You turned 3 today and I can't believe it! You are getting so old! I thanked God for you in my prayer time this morning and it made me realize just how far that I have come in these past 3 years that I have known you! Oh thank you, Jesus!!! You came at just the right time in my life-as a door for healing had opened up and this little blessing stepped in. I will never forget driving far away to get to go and get you with sweet Philicia. I had searched for you intricately for months and knew I found the right place when I saw the ad. I went to the lady's house planning on getting a little girl, but you sold yourself to me. You were so hyper and funny and cute...I just knew that you were the one. The moment I put you in the car you crawled up on my neck and have stayed there ever since. You have separation anxiety when I leave and nearly throw a fit when I return. You have brought me such joy and comfort over the years...just as all these pictures protest. You love people, being the center of attention, road trips, hammocks, sitting on my neck, playing with all your toy bunnies, sitting at my side, trying to attack other animals, treats, and steak. I bought Lucy thinking that you would enjoy her companionship but you didn't. You just wanted me. Ha. However, you have grown to love her and play with her well and I am very proud of you for that. You also take your daily walks and vitamins, although you hate them, and I am equally proud of you for that as well. And you are lightening up on Sally. Good job my little grouchy man! You are so quirky, buddy....it makes me laugh. You definitely have your own little personality. From your crooked smile, to your side glances, to all your many health problems and your growling when you're happy, and everything in between. I love how you dig a nest in my bed before you go to sleep. I love everything about you and hope for many more years! You are a gift to mommy and loved by many! Happy Birthday, King Lino!!!! I love you so much! :) In fact, as I type this you are so cutely sleeping on my couch right now. I could just eat you. Oh wait, someone just came to the door and now your are barking. Ruined moment but typical Lino. :) Gotta go...
Happy Passover an Easter weekend!!!

awe, yay!!! happy birthday, linus!! the parks love you :o)
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