Do you ever catch yourself feeling like my little buddy, Linus here? I recently have. I have been waiting on something for awhile now and God has promised me a hopeful future, and there are days (when I am Kingdom minded) that I patiently wait for it. But then there are other days, like today, when I get weary. This morning I felt like Linus and basically cried out, "Lord, I'm tired of waiting! I just want to crawl under the covers until it's all over. Why me? When will I get my turn?" In short, "Lord, kill me now"...but not really...Hahaha. Sounds like the good, 'Ol Israelites from of old, doesn't it? To tell you the truth, I sympathized with them today. I thought, poor things are finally miraculously delivered after years of slavery, in hopes of a Promised Land, only to find that they have to wonder in the desert for the next 40 years until they can get it. No wonder they kept sinning and falling and grumbling. I probably would have too. So with that frustrated state of mind is how I entered into my QT this morning. And then God took over...
After grumbling to Jesus (no better person to grumble too), I heard Him speak so clearly to me (thanks for helping with that, Hannita!) He said, "Corrie, You are Mine. I want You! You won't have to wait for 40 years if you obey me. I long to satisfy you quickly. But what is your Promised Land...Me or your answer? Settle My love for you deep in your soul once and for all. And I promise you will get your promised land, but also gain your real Promised Land. Yes, 'hope deferred does in fact make the heart sick. But I am your Hope." Ok, I got it. :) The Israelites didn't get it. But here is what I get...
Psalm 130:1&2, 5-7 states, "Out of the depths I cry (cry out) to you, O Lord; O Lord, hear (give undivided attention, give heed to, listen) my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy...I wait (patiently, to expect in, hope) for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word (promise) I put my hope (to wait, tarry, expect, to be patient, hopeful expectation rooted in God). My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen (to keep guard of, preserve, protect a flock, to retain, as a prophet, to maintain self discipline, to observe the commandments and promises of God, with the sense of tending a garden, the term expresses the careful attention paid to the obligations of a covenant) wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning. O Israel, (Corrie) put your hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love (an act of merciful, faithful, and loving kindness, presupposes the existence of a relationship between the parties involved, and though men may prove unfaithful, God's hesed love is everlasting) and with him is full redemption(to redeem, ransom, buy back.)"
May this encourage you as it does me. Bind yourself to Him...your Hope! Your husband changing is a good hope, but not your Hope. God is! Stay Kingdom minded, friends!
1 comment:
needed this. big time.
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