Wednesday, April 7, 2010


"I am forced to restore (return, essentially denotes movement back to the point of departure) what I did not steal." - Psalm 69:4(b).

That is what I found yesterday in my reading of the Psalms. And it stuck out to me like a sore thumb! This Psalm is know as a Messianic/Imprecatory Psalm about Jesus. Obviously, Jesus is saying here that on the cross He had to restore what He didn't ruin. We did. I thought about that and how, as Romans 7 declares, "Thanks be to God for this indescribable gift of Jesus by rescuing us from our body of death!" (paraphrased.) And then I also thought, "Not only has Jesus made it possible for me, but I too can restore what I did not steal (through the generational sins and strongholds that have been passed down to me through my family line.)" You see, it's been kind of a rough road for me. And as I look around at loved ones my age who seem to be "on the right track of blessings," I'm not envious; I am happy for them, But I want my turn! That is what I was feeling yesterday..."Lord, why does everything come so hard for me? I feel like I have to fight so hard only to advance an inch!" I was pretty dis-heartened yesterday about this. But then this morning....

This morning God's mercies were fresh, like they are every morning, and He spoke a gentle word to me. He is so good like that! Praise You, Lord! :) I know some of my choices of dis-obedience have put road blocks on my path. As I also know that learning how to and trying to "restore what I have not stolen" have as well. Both things have made my path a little more rougher. However, God reminded me of three things this morning that I hope also encourage you as they did me.

1.) Although it is painful to be refined, God will use, if you let Him, every hard thing in your life to bring Him Glory! In your sin, He will bring mercy; in your impossibilities, miracles; in your sickness, healing; in your turmoil, peace. And in the end, the beauty of the metal will demonstrate the beauty of the Refiner! (Worship the King devo.)

2.) God does not judge as the world judges. He looks at the heart, I must keep His perspective. For I desire first and foremost to be highly favored by Him!

3.) As the Gospels state when Jesus referred to Mary, "He who has been forgiven much, loves much." Amen! I love Him so much more for He is truly all I have, my definer and refiner. And He really has brought me so far! Maybe not to the earthly world's perspective, but in His! Hallelujah!

You see, I have a choice now to make of obedience. That is how I "restore what I did not steal" and make it a little easier for those who go behind me. For that is why I am here anyways...To leave His mark in this world. Not to look the best in the world's messed up eyes. For Satan is the Prince of this world. I want to live by The Prince of Peace's Kingdom alone! And as Rocky says, "It ain't about how hard you're it. It's about how hard you can get hit, how much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!" Amen! :) What can I say, I love Rocky!

Live for the Prince of Peace's approval alone friends. He restores You and will equip you to restore the baggage that you too didn't steal! There is a Way! Hallelujah and Amen!

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