Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I have always prided myself on being a real, honest and truthful person. I have been found to say, "What you see is what you get and I don't hide from people. I am just being honest." That was until I started reading Lysa Terkeurst's book, Unglued. It is messing with me in ways that I need to combat relational stresses that surround me right now and I thank God for it! A must read I believe! I would die if God didn't speak...even if His words are hard and mess with me sometimes. At least I know He is speaking...Hallelujah! Today, while reading the book, Unglued, I realized that we humans usually react in one of four ways: 1.) Exploders who shame themselves, 2.) Exploders who blame others, 3.) Stuffers who build barriers, 4.) Stuffers who collect retaliation rocks. Although I can sometimes be a "stuffer who builds barriers;" Mostly I call out stuffers by being an "exploder who blames others." Lysa explained (backed up greatly by James 3), that although "exploders" are honest and that is good, "when not reined in by the Holy Spirit, exploders will grieve God and other peoples heart when His people reject the godliness that should always balance out our honesty." So even if I am not being a stuffer ("a plastic version of godliness that isn't reined in by honesty,") it doesn't matter. Both need balance. Truth and godliness must always walk hand in hand. When speaking the truth (which we should), I must be better at "making an effort to see the situation from the other person's vantage point so I can get at the heart of the issue without sabotaging the heart of our offender." So as I am encouraged by this book, I encourage you to not only read it, but also to run after soul integrity-honesty that is wise and Godly! We could all use a little balance, reining in of our tongues, truth and relational help in our lives...right? I know I could! In this sad world of grey that we now find ourselves in, let's embrace truth, but in a Godly way, not as a weapon! And let's take some time to process our emotions with our wonderful Counselor! This could just be for me and Lysa Terkeurst, but I highly doubt it. Just being honest...haha! ;)

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